On the side of the teacher, it´s important to demand products at the
level of the students and don´t force them to give more than they can. It would
be negative because the students may feel we are too demanding and they can be
discouraged in the learning process. To do so, there are certain activities
like Role Plays, Scavenger Hunts, Field Trips, Re-enactments Scripts and many
more to practice and create interaction that generates much more vocabulary
easy to be identified and used in future ocassions.
Finally, there´s also a space for a short reflection related to it where
I gave my point of view according to the material I read to make the
presentation and in which I stated that teachers are the responsible ones for
the good performance of the students and also that he is in charge to give what
it takes to carry on with a successful process.
Communication through
virtual environments provides the development of a community Spirit and new
technologies allow us to do this, specifically in language learning. Technology
tools offer opportunities to be used easily. Teachers can use them in their
classes to make the pleasant, varied, stimulating for students, very different
from the traditional teaching. There are
tools that offer different options to be used both by students and by teachers
can share information with them, they can work collaboratively edit as in the
case of blogs, wikis. They can also record videos and share them in places like
youtube and get feedback, if desired. In language classes are useful for
working with video, audio, interactive exercises, writing exercises, make
attractive presentations, talking to people in other countries through chats,
Skype, social networks. These resources well managed, they can be
beneficial to support classes in face to
face environments.
The sucessful performance of students in the process of English language
teaching lies in the proper and effective desing teaching materials. This makes
it posible to break with the traditional education. Being a teacher involves
among other, students love more the class, be proactive, open to change and